
The Sanskrit  word Ayas means iron and the Ayaskriti is a liquid ayurvedic medicine made out of Iron as the main ingredient.

It is mainly used in anemia, weight loss therapy, skin diseases etc

Ayaskruti Dose:  12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food.

Indications of Ayaskrithi: 
Ayaskriti is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of

  • Meha – chronic urinary tract disorders, diabetes
  • Arsha – hemorrhoids
  • Shwitra – leukoderma
  • Kushta – skin disorders
  • Aruchi – anorexia,
  • Krumi – Intestinal worms
  • Pandu – anemia
  • Grahani – malabsorption disorder, IBS
  • Sthulata – obesity

it burn out the fat and reduces obesity.

The precipitates in the urine and other troubles due to diabetes are controlled by the regular use of this medicine.

Reference: Its reference is found in Ashtanga hrudaya chikitsasthana 12/28- 31.


  1. Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium) – Heart wood – 960 g
  2. Tinisha (Lagerstroemia speciosa) – Heart wood – 960 g
  3. Bhurja (Betula utilis) – Stem bark – 960 g
  4. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – Stem bark – 960 g
  5. Prakirya – Latakaranja (Caesalpinia crista) – seed – 960 g
  6. Khadira (Acacia catechu) – Heart wood – 960 g
  7. Shvetakhadira – Kadara –
  8. Heart wood – 960 g
  9. Bhandi – Shirisha ( Albizia lebbeck) – Stem bark – 960 g
  10. Shimshapa (Dalbergia sissoo) – Heart wood – 960 g
  11. Meshashrungi (Prosopis specigera) – Leaf – 960 g
  12. Peeta chandana, Rakta chandana (Pterocarpus santalinus) – Heart wood – 960 g
  13. Shweta chandana (Santalum album) –
  14. Heart wood – 960 g
  15. Tala (Borassus flabellifera) – Flower – 960 g
  16. Palasha (Butea monosperma) – Seed – 960 g
  17. Jongaka – Agaru ( Aquilaria agallocha) – Heart wood – 960 g
  18. Shaka – Heart wood – 960 g
  19. Shaala (Shorea robusta) – Heart wood – 960 g
  20. Kramuka (Arecanut) – Seed – 960 g
  21. Dhava (Anogeissus latifolia) – Stem bark- 960 g
  22. Kalinga – Indrayava (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – seed – 960 g
  23. Chagakarna – Ajakarna (Acacia leucophloea) – Heart wood – 960 g
  24. Ashwakarna (Acacia leucophloea) – Heart wood – 960 g
  25. Water for decoction – 98.304 liters, Boiled and reduced to 24.576 liters
  26. Guda – Jaggery – 9.6 kg
  27. Kshaudra – Honey – 1.536 kg
  28. Vatsaka – Kutaja – Holarrhena antidysenterica – Stem bark – 48 g
  29. Murva (Marsdenia tenacissima) – Root – 48 g
  30. Bharngi (Clerodendron serratum) – Root – 48 g
  31. Katuka (Picrorrhiza kurroa) – Rhizome – 48 g
  32. Black pepper – Fruit – 48 g
  33. Ghunapriya – Ativisha (Aconitum heterophylum) – Root – 48 g
  34. Gandira – Coleus Forskohlii – 48 g
  35. Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia) – Ela – Cardamom – 48 g
  36. Patha (Cyclea peltata) – Root – 48 g
  37. Jeera – Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) – Fruit – 48 g
  38. Katvanga (Orchis mascula) – Stem bark – 48 g
  39. Ajamoda – Ajowan – Fruit – 48 g
  40. Siddharta Mustard – – 48 g
  41. Vacha (Acorus calamus) – Rhizome – 48 g
  42. Hingu – Asa foetida – 48 g
  43. Vidanga (Embelia ribes) – Fruit – 48 g
  44. Long pepper and long pepper root Pashugandha – Ajagandha – Cleome gynandra / viscosa Linn. / Gynandropsis gynandra  Root – 48 g
  45. Chavya (Piper retrofractum) – Stem – 48 g
  46. Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) – Root – 48 g
  47. Shunti – Ginger – Rhizome – 48 g
  48. Teekshna Loha Patra – Iron leaf – 768 g
  49. Pippali Churna – Long pepper fruit powder – quantity sufficient
  50. Kshaudra – honey – quantity sufficient
  51. Ghrita – Ghee – quantity sufficient
  52. Laksha – Laccifer lacca – resin – quantity sufficient.

10 thoughts on “Ayaskriti”

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