
Ashwagandharishta – a liquid Ayurvedic medicine used in the treatment of stress induced disorders, sexual disorders, depression etc. it is a good nervine tonic.

Aswagandharista Dosage:  – 12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food. If needed, equal quantity of water can be added to it before consumption.
Traditional dose is – 24 ml.

Ashwagandharishta uses: Aswagandharishtam is used in the treatment of  lethargy, weakness, psychiatric conditions, dullness, loss of memory, sluggishness, epilepsy, stomach problems like low digestive power, emaciation, Piles and Vata imbalance diseases. This increases ojas, nourishes all dhatus.
It is also used as a nervine tonic. It is good medicine for insomnia.

Classical description on the indications of  Aswagandharist,

Murcha – recurrent fainting, episodes of unconsciousness

Apasmara – epilepsy

Karshya – emaciation, leanness, weight loss

Arsha – hemorrhoids

Mandagni – weak digestion

Vataroga – Vata induced disorders – neurological disorders, arthritis, hemiplegia, palsy.

Ashwagandharishta for heart:

It can also be useful in high Blood Pressure. It  relieve stress.

Ashwagandha is a very good good anti oxidant and is a good cardiac  tonic.

Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali – Murcha Rogadhikara 13-17, AFI Part I

Aswagandharishtam ingredients:

  1. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)  – Root – 2.4 kg
  2. Mushali (Chlorophytum tuberosum) – Root – 960 g
  3. Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia) – Root – 480 g
  4. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – Fruit – 480 g
  5. Nisha – Turmeric – rhizome – 480 g
  6. Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) – Stem – 480 g
  7. Yashtimadhu – Licorice – Root – 480 g
  8. Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) – Root / leaf – 480 g
  9. Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa) – Root – 480 g
  10. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – stem bark – 480 g
  11. Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus) – Rhizome – 480 g
  12. Trivrit (Ipomoea turpethum) – Root – 480 g
  13. Sariva (Indian sarsaparilla – Hemidesmus indicus) – Root – 384 g
  14. Krishna Sariva (Cryptolepis buchanani) – Root – 384 g
  15. Shweta Candana  (Santalum album) – heart wood – 384 g
  16. Rakta Candana  (Pterocarpus santalinus) – heart wood – 384 g
  17. Vacha (Acorus calamus) – Rhizome – 384 g
  18. Chitraka  (Plumbago zeylanica) – Root – 384 g
  19. Water for decoction – 98.304 liters , Boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters.
  20. Madhu – Honey – 14.4 kg
  21. Prakshepa – Dhataki  Woodfordia fruticosa – Flower – 768 g
  22. Shunti – Ginger – Rhizome – 96 g
  23. Maricha – Pepper – fruit – 96 g
  24. Pippali – Long pepper – 96 g
  25. Twak – Cinnamon – 192 g
  26. Ela – Cardamom – 192 g
  27. Patra (Cinnamomum tamala) – leaves – 192 g
  28. Priyangu ( Callicarpa macrophylla) – Flower – 192 g
  29. Nagakeshara  (Mesua ferrea) – Stamen – 96 g

7 thoughts on “Aswagandharishtam”

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