Vasarishtam is an Ayurvedic liquid medicine. It is a ptoent mucolytic and anti asthmatic. Hence Vasarishtam is used in many respiratory conditions. It is also known by the terms – Vasakasavam, Vasakasav, Vasakarishta, Vasarishta, vasarista, Vasakadyarishtam etc.
Its main ingredient is Vaasa – Malabar nut.
Indications of Vasarishtam:
It is used in the treatment of cold, cough,Asthma, bronchitis,
bleeding diseases like – haemoptysis and raktapitta.
Vasarishtam dose:
12 – 24 ml once or twice daily, or as directed by Ayurvedic Physician.
Sour food is to be strictly avoided.
Vasarishtam ingredients:
Vasaka plant – Malabar nut is chopped and pounded into coarse powder form – 9.6 kg added to 24.576 liters of water, boiled and reduced to 6.144 liters. Filtered and Vasa Kashaya is obtained. This is added with
Jaggery – 4.8 kg
Dhataki – Woodfordia fruticosa – 384 g
Cinnamon – 48 g
Cardamom – 48 g
Patra – Cinnamomum tamala – 48 g
Nagakeshara – Mesua ferrea – 48 g
Kankola – Piper cubeba – 48 g
Trikatu– Pepper, long pepper and ginger – 48 g
Hribera – Pavonia odorata – 48 g
These ingredients are kept closed in an air tight container for fifteen days.
After 15 days, the contents are filtered and vasarishtam is obtained.
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