Urticaria/ Hives

Ayurveda cure for Urticaria / Hives,- Sheeta Pitta

This is a vascular reaction of the skin characterised by the transient appearance of elevated patches which are redder or paler than the surrounding skin and often attended by itching. In Ayurveda this is called sheeta pitta. Allergens, taking cold bath immediately after exercise, when the body is hot, and mental excitement are the most important factors for the causation of this disease. Intestinal worms and exposure to the cold wind often cause urticaria.

These patches appear all over the body suddenly or gradually. There may be severe itching. The patient is usually constipated. He may get attacks of cold, cough, bronchitis,

and stomach disorders like heartburn.


Haridra is one of the popular household remedies. This is normally used in curry. A little excessive use of this in vegetables both prevents and cures urticaria. In the form of a paste by triturating its powder with water, it is given to the patient in a dose of two teaspoonfuls. three times a day. It has a slightly bitter taste. So if the crude powder is disliked by the patient, it could be given by mixing with milk and sugar. A palatable preparation of haridra is known as haridra khanda. It is available in the form of granules and can be given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonful three times a day followed by a cup of warm water.

Gairika (red ochre) is also popularly used in this condition. After processing, it is given in a dose of one teaspoonful three times a day mixed with honey. Kamadugha rasa, which contains gairika in a significantly large quantity, is also given to the patient in a dose of five grains four times a day with honey.

During an acute attack of this disease. suta sekhara rasa and arogya vardhi11i rasa can be given to the patient. Both these medicines either individually or in a compound form are given in a dose of five grains three times a day, mixed with honey.

If the patient is constipated, he may be given the powder of haritaki in a dose of two teaspoonfuls at bed time with hot water.

There is many medicines in ayurveda specific for each condition so consult your nearby ayurveda doctor.


The patient should be given salt-free diet as far as possible. Sour things, like curds, are prohibited. All vegetables having bitter taste like bitter gourd and bitter variety of drumstick are useful in this condition. 

Other regimens:

During acute attacks of urticaria, the patient should be rubbed with mustard oil mixed with the powder of rock salt. Thereafter the whole body should be exposed to sun and gently rubbed with a copper coin. This gives instant relief. If there are worms in the intestine, then they should be treated. Otherwise urticaria will appear again and again.

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