
Saraswatarishtam is an Ayurvedic liquid medicine used as a rasayana.

It is one of the best medhya rasayana for children.

Reference: Bhaishaja Ratnavali, Rasayana – 178-191

Saraswatarishtam dosage: 12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food. If needed, it can be mixed with equal quantity of water. 

Saraswatarishta benefits: Saraswatarishta is a rasayana so that it has got anti aging properties. Good for all age groups and improves immunity and strength.
It is a good memory enhancer. Classical indications of Sarasvatharishtam. This medicine has been specially formulated by Lord Dhanvantari  for the benefits of students.
It improves –

  • Ayu – life expectancy
  • Veerya – potency, sexual capacity
  • Smruti – memory
  • Medha – intelligence
  • Bala – immunity, strength
  • Kanti – skin complexion and shine
  • Deepana – improves Digestion power
  • Vak vishuddhikara – it improves pronunciation, it helps to relieve all pronunciation mistakes
  • Hrudya – acts as cardiac tonic, good for heart
  • Rasayanavara – one of the best among all medicines of rejuvenation. Very useful in children, youngsters and old people, men and women.
  • Param Ojaskara – improves Ojas. (source of immunity)
    Relieves voice hoarseness, speech problems improves voice.
  • Rajodosha hara – useful to detoxify uterus and related organs, hence useful in female infertility.
  • Shukradoshahara – cleanses and detoxifies semen. Hence useful in male infertility.
  • Sarvadoshahara – pacifies all the three Doshas. Ideal for one who read and sing for long periods of time
    Good for people having depleted memory, strength and immunity.

Saraswatarishta ingredients: 

  1. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) – whole plant – 960 g
  2. Shatavari – Asparagus
  3. racemosus – Root – 240 g
  4. Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa) – Tuber – 240 g
  5. Abhaya – Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – Fruit rind – 240 g
  6. Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides) -Root – 240 g
  7. Shunti – Ginger – Zingiber officinalis – Rhizome – 240 g
  8. Mishi – foeniculum vulgare – Fruit – 240 g
  9. Water for Kashaya – 12.288 liters, Boiled and reduced to – 3.072 liters
  10. Makshika – Honey – 480 g
  11. Sita – sugar candy – 1.2 kg
  12. Prakshepa – 
    Dhataki – Woodfordia fruticosa – Flower – 240 g
  13. Renuka – Vitex Negundo – Seed – 12 g
  14. Kana – Long pepper – Piper longum – Fruit – 12 g
  15. Trivrit – Operculina turpethum – Root – 12 g
  16. Devapushpa – Clove – Syzigium aromaticum – Flower bud – 12 g
  17. Vacha – Acorus calamus – Rhizome – 12 g
  18. Kushta – Saussurea lappa – Root – 12 g
  19. Vajigandha – Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera – Root – 12 g
  20. Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica – Fruit rind – 12 g
  21. Amruta – Guduchi – Giloya – Tinospora cordifolia – Stem – 12 g
  22. Ela – Cardamom  -Elettaria cardamomum – 12 g
  23. Vidanga – Embelia ribes – Fruit – 12 g
  24. Twak – Cinnamon – 12 g
  25. Gold leaf – 12 g

Method of manufacturing:
Kashaya is made out of the first set of herbs. The decoction (kashaya) is filtered to a golden or mud vessel. It is added with the rest of the ingredients. It is added with a thin gold leaf of 12 grams.

The contents are kept sealed for a month time. After observing proper taste, (completion of fermentation) and after confirming that the gold leaf has disintegrated in the liquid, the contents are filtered and stored in a vessel, smeared with ghee.

2 thoughts on “Saraswatharishtam”

  1. Pingback: Punarnavasavam – Sreepathy Ayurveda

  2. Pingback: Partharishtam – Sreepathy Ayurveda

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