
Mustharishtam is an Ayurvedic fermented liquid medicine. Mustarishta is used in the treatment of  digestive disorders like indigestion diarrhoea, etc. It is also known by the terms – Mustakarishta, Mustarishtam, Mustarishtam, Mustakadyarishta.

Mustarishtam uses: It is used in the treatment of digestive disorders. It improves the digestion power and relieves bloating, diarrhoea, gastro-enteritis.

Classical Indication:

  • Ajirna – indigestion
  • Aruchi- anorexia
  • Agnimandya – low digestion power
  • Visuchi – gastro-enteritis, vomiting with diarrhea
  • Grahani –  Malabsorption syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Mustarishta Dose: 12 – 24 ml – one or two times a day after food, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

Mustarishta ingredients: 

Musta – Cyperus rotundus – 9.6 kg
Coarse powder of Musta is added to 49.15 liters of water, boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters. Filtered. This Kashayam is added with

  • Jaggery – 14.4 kg
  • Dhataki – Woodfordia
  • fruticosa – 768 g
  • Yamani – Trachyspermum ammi – 96 g
  • Ginger – 96 g
  • Pepper – 96 g
  • Clove – 96 g
  • Fenugreek seeds – 96 g
  • Chitraka – Plumbago
  • Zeylanica – 96 g
  • White Caraway seeds – 96 g

This herbal liquid mix is kept in a  closed vessel for a period of one month. The sugar in jaggery undergoes fermentation in a period of one month. After a month, the contents are filtered and stored in air tight containers.

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8 thoughts on “Mustharishtam”

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