
Devadarvarishtam is an Ayurvedic liquid medicine, traditionally used to treat the complications of diabetes.  


  • Prameha – Chronic urinary tract disorders, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy.
  • Vataroga – Vata imbalance disorders
  • Grahani – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Malabsorption syndrome
  • Arsha – hemorrhoids
  • Mutrakrichra – dysuria
  • Dadrukushta – fungal skin infection

Devadarvyarishtam dose: 12 – 24 ml once or twice a day after food or as directed by the Ayurvedic doctor.

Devadarvyaristam ingredients: 

  1. Devadaru  – Cedrus deodara – 2.4 kg
  2. Vasa – Adhatoda vasica – 960 g
  3. Manjishta – Rubia cordifolia – 480 g
  4. Kutaja – Holarrhena antidysenterica – 480 g
  5. Danti – Baliospermum montanum – 480 g
  6. Tagara – Valeriana wallichii – 480 g
  7. Turmeric – 480 g
  8. Daruharidra – Berberis aristata – 480 g
  9. Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata – 480 g
  10. Vidanga – Embelia ribes – 480 g
  11. Musta – Cyperus rotundus – 480 g
  12. Shireesha – Albizia lebbeck – 480 g
  13. Khadira – Acacia catechu – 480 g
  14. Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna – 480 g
  15. Yavani – Trachyspermum ammi – 480 g
  16. Chandana – Santalum album – 480 g
  17. Guduchi – TInospora cordifolia
  18. Katuki – Picrorrhiza kurroa – 480 g
  19. Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica – 480 g
  20. All these ingredients are added with 98.3 liters of water, boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters. Filtered. To the Filtered Kashayam,  Fine powder of the following herbs is added.
  21. Ginger – 96 g
  22. Pepper – 96 g
  23. Long pepper – 96 g
  24. Cinnamon  – 192 g
  25. Cardamom – 192 g
  26. Patra – Cinnamomum tamala – 192 g
  27. Priyangu – Callicarpa macrophylla – 192 g
  28. Nagakeshara – Mesua ferrea – 96 g
  29. Dhataki – Woodfordia fruticosa – 768 g
  30. Honey  – 14.4 liters

This mixture of these herbal powder and liquid is kept closed in a container smeared with the ghee in its inner side. Over a period of one month, it get matured by  fermentation and thus the final product is prepared. It is then filtered to Obtain Devadarvarishtam.

Reference: Sharangdhara Samhita, Bhaishajya Ratnavali Prameha Adhikara 241-247
AFI Formulations – Volume 1

9 thoughts on “Devadarvyarishtam”

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