Partharishtam is an Ayurvedic liquid medicine, used as a heart tonic. It is also known as Arjunarishta, Partharishtam.
Indications of Partharishtam:
It is useful in the treatment of chest injury, Cardiac disorders.
weakness, fatigue, debility, feeling tired all the time, chronic respiratory distress, throat related diseases.
It is also useful in mild to moderate hypertension. Useful in anemia.
Ingredients of Parthadyarisht:
- Arjuna twak (Terminalia arjuna)- 4.8 kg
- Mrudvika phala (Vitis vinifera)- 2.4 kg
- Madhuka pushpa (Madhuka indica)- 960 gm
- Dhataki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa)- 960 gm
- Guda (Jaggery)- 4.8 kg
The first three ingredients are taken in coarse powder form,
49.152 litres of water is added, boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters, after filtering, it is then added with powders of rest of the ingredients, kept for fermentation. After confirmation of fermentation, the contents are filtered and stored in air tight containers.
Dosage of Parthadyarishta:
Usually advised after food, once or twice a day.
10-25 ml one or two times a day. It can be mixed with equal quantity of water.
Dose for children below 5 years of age – 3 – 5 ml, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.
Dose for children between 5 – 12 years of age – 5 ml, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.
पार्थत्वचस्तुलामेकां मृद्वीकार्द्धतुलां तथा।
भागं मधूकपुष्पस्य पलविंशति सम्मतम्।।
चतुर्द्रोणे अंभसः पक्त्वा द्रोणमेवावशेषयेत्।
धातक्या विंशतिपलगुडस्य तला क्षिपेत्॥
मासमात्रं स्थितो भाण्डे भवेत् पार्थाद्यारिष्टकः।
हृत्फुफुस गदान् सर्वान् हन्त्ययं बलमोजकृत्॥
Reference: Bhaishajyaratnavali.
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